
Showing posts from June, 2021

Dismissal of a public-sector employee for having “Liked” Facebook posts: Violation of her right to freedom of expression

Ιn Chamber's judgment in the case of Melike v. Turkey (application no. 35786/19) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights.  The case concerned the dismissal of Ms Melike, a contractual employee at the Ministry of National Education, for having clicked “Like” on various Facebook articles (posted on the social networking site by a third party).  The authorities considered that the posts in question were likely to disturb the peace and tranquillity of the workplace, on the grounds that they alleged that teachers had committed rapes, contained accusations against political leaders and related to political parties.  The Court noted that the content in question consisted of virulent political criticism of allegedly repressive practices by the authorities, calls and encouragement to demonstrate in protest against those practices, expressions of indignatio...

Legal Officer at the International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, Austria)

International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, Austria) seeks to recruit a Legal Officer (IAEA Legislative Assistance Programme). The Office of Legal Affairs, which reports directly to the Director General, provides legal services of the highest possible standards to the Director General, the Secretariat and to the organs and bodies of the IAEA, as well as to Member States, regarding the implementation of the IAEA's activities. The Nuclear and Treaty Law Section provides legal advice and support to the Office of the Director General and the Secretariat in the areas of nuclear safety and security (including civil liability for nuclear damage), nuclear energy, nuclear applications and technical cooperation. It is also responsible for the IAEA's depositary function as well as the IAEA's legislative assistance programme, providing advice and training regarding legislative frameworks governing the safe and peaceful uses of nuclear energy to Member States. Under the guidance of...

Presume innocence for all, until proven guilty – it is a right (FRA Report)

Presumption of innocence is a core right in criminal justice. Yet, prejudice, bias and practices like presenting defendants in handcuffs undermine this right in many European countries, finds the latest report of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). FRA calls on EU countries to respect the rights of all defendants, regardless of their background. “All defendants have the right to be presumed innocent until an independent court finds them guilty. But our in-built biases, and what we see or read, can affect our perception of guilt,” says FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty. “EU countries need effective measures to safeguard the rights of all defendants to a fair trial and equal access to justice.” FRA’s report ‘Presumption of innocence and related rights – Professional perspectives’ looks at how EU countries in practice apply the rights to be presumed innocent, to remain silent and to be present at trial. FRA identifies problems in safeguarding these rights...