In its Judgment in Case C-247/23 |[Deldits] [1] the European Court of Justice ruled that the rectification of data relating to gender identity cannot be made conditional upon proof of surgery. In 2014, VP, an Iranian national, obtained refugee status in Hungary by relying on their transgender identity and producing medical certificates drawn up by specialists in psychiatry and gynaecology. According to those certificates, although that person was born female, their gender identity was male. Following the recognition of their refugee status on that basis, that person was nevertheless registered as female in the asylum register, which is kept by the Hungarian asylum authority and contains identification data, including gender, of the persons who have obtained that status in Hungary. In 2022, on the basis of the abovementioned medical certificates, VP requested, inter alia, that the asylum authority rectify the entry in respect of their gender in that register, on the basis of ...
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