
Showing posts with the label Giorgos Kazoleas

Status of long-term resident in Cyprus: Appeal against the rejection decision

By Giorgos Kazoleas, Lawyer in Cyprus Third-country nationals residing in areas controlled by the Government of the Republic legally and continuously for the last five years prior to the submission of the application and holding a valid residence permit in the Republic can apply along with the required original documents in order to obtain the status of long-term resident in Cyprus. It often happens that the Administration (in this case the Immigration Department) does not properly assess the facts and circumstances of the applicant and does not properly check the requirement for obtaining the status, resulting in a rejection decision. This decision is notified to the applicant and must contain clear justification for the reasons for the rejection of the application. It must also state that the applicant has the right to appeal against the rejection decision within 75 days from the notification of the decision. According to the Aliens and Immigration Law, [1]   in order to...

Interventions in Justice System and the role of Artificial Intelligence

by Giorgos Kazoleas, Lawyer LL.M.* The institution of Justice is not an impersonal entity unaffected by human qualities and weaknesses. In practice, it is a number of  professionals,  judges, who perform, as is commonly said, a supreme function, which is, however, a daily, systematic and repetitive task consisting mainly of adjudicating cases and issuing judicial decisions. Due to the particular importance and practical consequences that usually accompany judicial decisions, the work of judges is reasonable to be the subject of conflicting interests and the judicial judgment to be exposed to the risk or threat of being influenced by various factors including persons, social, business and political formations. In the grand scheme of things, a court decision in some part of the planet may have absolutely no significance, but in the microcosm of the people it may affect, this decision may acquire enormous value. The main threat to influencing the administration of justice i...

Cyprus Family Law: Spouse's claim for contribution in post-marital acquisitions

by Giorgos Kazoleas, Lawyer qualified in Cyprus & Greece The regulation of property issues between spouses after divorce or separation is one of the main problems and is most commonly related with the issue of the contribution of one spouse to the increase in the other’s property. According to Cypriot Family Law, in the event that the marriage is dissolved or annulled, or in the event of separation of the spouses, in case the property of one spouse has increased, the other spouse, if he/she contributed in any way to this increase, is entitled to bring an action before the Court and demand the return of the part of the increase that comes from his/her own contribution.[1] The contribution of one spouse to the increase in the property of the other is presumed to amount to one third of the increase, unless a greater or lesser contribution is proven.[2] “Contribution” means any form of contribution by the spouses to the acquisition or creation of property and includes the care of...

Τhe appeal against a decision rejecting asylum and the principle of effectiveness

Written by Giorgos Kazoleas, Lawyer in Cyprus The positive impact of the application of the principle of effectiveness reflects a significant recent ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The decision concerns immigration law and in particular the right of the asylum seeker to appeal against the decision rejecting his application. The ECJ considers that the applicant may rely on circumstances subsequent to the rejection in his appeal and that the national court should take them into account. According to the Judgment [1]  , it is for each Member State to lay down procedural rules for legal actions that would safeguard that effective judicial protection. The Court recalls that the Dublin III Regulation 4 provides that a person who is the subject of a transfer decision is to have the right to an effective remedy against that decision and that that remedy must cover, inter alia, the examination of the application of that regulation. According to article 27 of the Regul...