
Showing posts with the label justice

Interventions in Justice System and the role of Artificial Intelligence

written by Giorgos Kazoleas, Lawyer* The institution of Justice is not an impersonal entity unaffected by human qualities and weaknesses. In practice, it is a number of  professionals,  judges, who perform, as is commonly said, a supreme function, which is, however, a daily, systematic and repetitive task consisting mainly of adjudicating cases and issuing judicial decisions. Due to the particular importance and practical consequences that usually accompany judicial decisions, the work of judges is reasonable to be the subject of conflicting interests and the judicial judgment to be exposed to the risk or threat of being influenced by various factors including persons, social, business and political formations. In the grand scheme of things, a court decision in some part of the planet may have absolutely no significance, but in the microcosm of the people it may affect, this decision may acquire enormous value. The first and main threat to influencing the administration ...