Consumer credit agreements: In the event of failure to comply with the obligation to provide information, a bank may be deprived of its right to interest

The Court of Justice in its Judgment in Case C-472/23 (Lexitor) regarding the consumer credit agreements, ruled that, in the event of failure to comply with the obligation to provide information, a bank may be deprived of its right to interest. This may be the case even where the individual seriousness of the infringement of that obligation and its consequences for the consumer are likely to vary from case to case. Lexitor is a Polish debt collection agency to which a consumer assigned rights arising from a credit agreement concluded with a bank. That company claims that the bank failed to fulfil its obligation to provide information to the consumer when the agreement was concluded. It brought an action before a Polish court seeking payment from the bank of a sum of money corresponding to the interest and charges paid by that consumer. In supports of its claim, Lexitor submits, first, that the annual percentage rate of charge (APRC [1]) was overstated; in its view, one of th...